2018-2019 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2018-2019 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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COM ST 003 Interpersonal Communication

Units: 3
Prerequisite Skills: 1. Reading Level II.
Principles of verbal and nonverbal transactions that occur in relationships. Study of theory and research findings and their application to communication in interpersonal relationships in personal and professional contexts. This course is designed as an overview of interpersonal communication including analysis of relationships with family, friends, significant others, acquaintances, and co-workers. Practical application of skills for effective interpersonal communication with others is emphasized in face-to-face, supervised interactions and computer-mediated communication and includes understanding the significance of psychological, sociological, and anthropological research, nonverbal communication, resolving conflicts and intercultural differences. (UC, CSU, C-ID COMM 130)

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