Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Counselor Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2023-2024 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog Program: Agriculture Business Certificate of Achievement

Agriculture Business Certificate of Achievement

Upon successful completion of the Agriculture Business certificate, the student demonstrates the skills, knowledge, and training for employment in the following Agribusiness positions: Agricultural Accounting Assistant, Agriculture Administrative Assistant, Agricultural Inventory/Warehouse Technician, Agricultural Sales and Service Technician, Crop Insurance Agent, Customer Service Representative, Farm Insurance Agent, Farm/Ranch Personnel Supervisor, Feed-lot Supervisor, Field Representative, Food Processing Plant Shift Supervisor, Grain Elevator Manager, International Sales and Trade Technician, Quality Control Inspector, Public Relations Specialist, Sales Agent, Sales Representative, and Wholesale Produce Agent, demonstrates his or her ability to design and implement a record keeping system, design and implement a set of farm accounts, explain the basis for farm income tax computing, calculate measure of earnings applicable to farm records, and calculate the basic measure of depreciation, constructs inventory analysis procedures, operates a microcomputer, develops and uses templates to make management decisions, and evaluates a variety of software useful to agribusiness applications, practice skills to identify and design a marketing strategy for a specific agricultural product, chart and interpret market information, analyze marketing reports, and make a sales presentation on an agricultural product, and prepare the student for a successful transfer to a university for a baccalaureate degree. The certificate program closely follows the design developed by the Central Valley Consortium Agricultural Education Tech Prep.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in basic computer applications in career specific contexts related to agri-business such as word processing, spread sheet, and internet.
  2. Listen actively and communicate clearly and coherently about agri-business concepts.
  3. Think critically and analytically to solve agri-business problems.
  4. Use appropriate technology to learn, live and work in an agri-business setting.
  5. Demonstrate effective habits of time management, accountability and dependability.

Core Requirements

Complete 36 units

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
AGBUS 10 Agricultural Accounting Units: 3
AGBUS 12 Agricultural Economics Units: 3
AGBUS 15 Agribusiness Computer Applications Units: 3
AGBUS 46 Agricultural Sales and Communications Units: 3
ASCI 10 Principles of Animal Science Units: 3
ASCI 10L Principles of Animal Science Laboratory Units: 1
COM ST 1A Public Speaking Units: 3
CS 11 Fundamentals of Computer Science Units: 3
ECON 5 Principles of Macroeconomics Units: 3
ENG 1A Reading and Composition or ENG 2A Reading and Composition with Support Units: 4 Units: 3
PLANT 10 Principles of Plant Science Units: 3
PLANT 10L Principles of Plant Science Laboratory Units: 1

Associate Degree Math Requirement Credits / Units: 4

Restricted Electives

Area A

Complete a minimum of 3 units selected from:

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
HIST 17A History of the United States Units: 3
HIST 17B History of the United States Units: 3
POLSC 1 American Government and Institutions Units: 3

Area B

Complete 3 units selected from:

  • Associate Degree General Education Pattern, Area 3, Humanities

Area C

Complete 21 units selected from:

Course NameUnits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
BIOL 1 Cell and Molecular Biology Units: 4
BUS 1A Principles of Accounting Units: 5
CHEM 1A General Chemistry Units: 5


CHEM 3A Introduction to Chemistry Units: 4
STATS 12 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Units: 4
MATH 38A Precalculus I Units: 4

Minimum Units Required: 63

Complete all courses with a grade of “C” or better.

Related Program

Agriculture Business, AS 
Agriculture Business, AS-T 

For more information:

Contact the Agriculture Transfer and Career Pathway (TrAC) 
