Feb 07, 2025
2024-2025 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog
Electrical Technology - Apprenticeship, AS
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Upon successful completion of the Electrical Technology: Apprenticeship Associate in Science degree, the student demonstrates the skills and knowledge of a Journey-level electrician. The student applies electrical skills and knowledge to construct, repair and troubleshoot electrical circuits, motors, motor controllers and electrical systems. The training and skills acquired prepares the apprentice to be employed in the electrical field as a Journey-level electrical worker for residential, commercial and industrial electrical construction projects.
NOTE: Please refer to the current catalog for information about Special Admissions Programs.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successfully completing this program, students will be able to:
- Apply electrical skills and knowledge to construct, repair and troubleshoot electrical circuits, motors, motor controllers and electrical systems at a journey-level.
- Demonstrate knowledge for safe entry into electrical Journey-level work in the electrical field of the IBEW’s (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) and NECA’s (National Electrical Contractors Association) Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee.
- Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to be effective team members possessing excellent oral and written communication skills, and assuming technical and managerial leadership roles throughout their career.
Major Requirements - Core
Complete 40 units Minimum Major Units Required: 40
Complete all courses with a grade of “C” or better. General Education
Complete the following general education pattern: Students are advised to double-count courses in the major or area of emphasis to also satisfy general education when possible. Course subject credit will be awarded in satisfaction of both major/area of emphasis and lower division general education requirements, but the units will only be counted once in computing the total number of units for the degree. Minimum Degree Units Required: 67
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