2021-2022 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2021-2022 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

California State University General Education (CSU-GE), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement

This certificate is designed for the student who intends to transfer to a California State University (CSU). Certification of completion of this Certificate of Achievement will fulfill lower division General Education Requirements at all CSU campuses and eliminate the need to complete additional lower division general education requirements at the transfer campus. Students completing the CSU general education pattern will also meet the general education requirements of San Joaquin Delta College’s Associate Degree.

Students must file an application for CSU-GE certification and are urged to apply for the CSU-GE Certificate of Achievement with Evaluators at the end of the semester in which all courses have been completed. Contact evaluators from the Delta College homepage, www.deltacollege.edu by selecting Services>Admissions, Records & Registration>Evaluations. The CSU system has an American Institutions (AI) graduation requirement that is separate from CSU GE requirements and is not required for CSU GE certification. It is recommended that students complete this requirement prior to transfer. See information below about how to satisfy this requirement.

Students are encouraged to consult with a counselor to develop a Student Education Plan. Counseling appointments may be scheduled online from the Delta College Homepage, www.deltacollege.edu by selecting  Services>Counseling & Special Services. Counseling appointments are not available by phone. The Counseling Center may be reached at (209) 954-5151, ext. 6276 for information regarding other Counseling and support services. Failure to consult with a counselor may unnecessarily delay progress toward transfer.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will have successfully completed all required CSU lower division general education breadth pattern coursework.

Courses shall be selected from Areas A - E below:

Area A - English Language Communication and Critical Thinking

Complete 9 units with at least one course each from A1-Oral Communication, A2-Written Communication, and A3-Critical Thinking.

Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning

Complete a minimum of 9 units with at least one course each from B1-Physical Science, B2-Life Science (at least one to include a B3-Laboratory Activity component), and B4-Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.

B3: Laboratory Activity

This requirement will be satisfied by completion of any laboratory course in Area B1 or B2. Laboratory courses are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Area C - Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and Languages Other Than English

Complete a minimum of 9 units with at least one course each from C1-Arts and C2-Humanities.

C2: Humanities

Area D - Social, Political, and Economic Institutions

Complete a minimum of 9 units from at least two disciplines.

Area E - Life-Long Learning and Self-Development

Complete a minimum of 3 units, not all in PEACTIV.

Veterans or reservists who submit a DD214 verifying discharge under honorable conditions or active duty military personnel who submit an official document (e.g., Joint Services Transcript) verifying completion of basic military training will clear Area E and receive three units of general education credit.

Minimum Units Required: 40


For a complete listing of courses and approval dates log on to www.assist.org or see a counselor or evaluator for a list of course approval dates.

^ Course in this area must be completed with a grade of “C” or better

+ Course may be listed in more than one area but may not be used to certify more than one area.

* Indicates Laboratory Activity course

** Course satisfies CSU Sacramento “Race and Ethnicity in American Society” general education requirement

California State University American Institutions Requirement

Students satisfy the American Institutions requirement of the California State University through coursework in three areas.

  • US-1: Historical Development of American institutions and ideals
  • US-2: U.S. Constitution and government
  • US-3: California state and local government

This requirement may be met before or after transfer to CSU; however, students are advised to meet this requirement prior to transfer and while completing the CSU General Education certification. If a course is approved for more than one U.S. Area below, a student may use the course to satisfy all areas listed. US-1 may be completed with a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement U.S. History. US-2 (but not US-3) may be completed with a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics.

At Delta College, qualifications of these courses to fulfill the United States History, Constitution, and American Ideals requirement is restricted to the following combinations:

Courses that meet the CSU American Institutions requirement may also be used to satisfy CSU-GE Area D requirements.