2019-2020 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2019-2020 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fall 2019 Catalog Updates

The San Joaquin Delta College Catalog Addendum provides course/program updates as well as other content changes since the publication of the 2019-2020 catalog. The College reserves the right to make changes in the catalog as necessary, and to change, without notice, any information or requirements for compliance purposes.


Description of Change

ATH 38 Intercollegiate Beach Volleyball  

Catalog limitation on enrollment corrected to Athletic tryout and team selection.
Printed catalog, page 390

WELDING 90 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) - Laboratory Skills  

Catalog limitation on enrollment corrected to Health and Safety.
Printed catalog, page 455

WELDING 92 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) - Laboratory Skills  

Catalog limitation on enrollment corrected to Health and Safety.
Printed catalog, page 455

WELDING 94 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Welding - Laboratory Skills  

Catalog limitation on enrollment corrected to Health and Safety.
Printed catalog, page 455


New C-ID Course Approvals

Description of Change

DRAMA 34 Acting II: Intermediate Acting  

Approved for C-ID THTR 152
Printed catalog, page 364

MATH 38A Precalculus I  

Approved for C-ID MATH 955
Printed catalog, page 413

MATH 38B Precalculus II  

Approved for C-ID MATH 955
Printed catalog, page 414



Description of Change

Administrative Office Executive Professional/Office Manager, AS  

Corrected Major Requirements - Core to 31.
Printed catalog, page 122-123

Early Childhood Education Master Teacher Certificate of Achievement  

Corrected Special Needs area to CDEV 34 or SL 1 or COMM DIS 1A and COMM DIS 1B. Corrected Preschool area by adding CDEV 40 and deleting CDEV 71, CDEV 72, CDEV 73, and CDEV 74.

Printed catalog, page 183-184
Electrical Technology - Electrical Maintenance Certificate of Achievement   Corrected Minimum Units Required to 30.
Printed catalog, page 187-188
Electrical Technology: Apprenticeship, AS   Corrected Minimum Degree Units Required to 64.
Printed catalog, page 190-191
Industrial Technology - Level I Certificate of Achievement   Corrected Core Requirements by adding INDUS 20 Industrial Safety and Health: 3 units.
Printed catalog, page 224-225
Political Science, AA-T   Corrected Major Requirements - Restricted Electives Area A to MATH 12 or PSYCH 2.
Printed catalog, page 272


Other Edits

Description of Change

 Advanced Placement Examination Credit Chart

College Board Advanced Placement Test AP English Literature and Composition: SJDC GE Area corrected to 1A+3; CSU GE Area (units) corrected to A2+C2; IGETC Area (units) corrected to 1A (3) or 3B(3).
Printed catalog, page 51

Mathematics –Business and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Math Placement Chart The third row corrected to MATH 38A and MATH 71.
Printed catalog, page 57