Financial Aid
DeRicco Student Services Building - (209) 954-5115
Grants, student loans, scholarships and work-study jobs are available to qualified Delta College students. Information is available from the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Services, and on the Delta College website at www.deltacollege.edu/department/financial-aid-scholarships-veterans-services. All students needing financial assistance while attending Delta College are urged to apply via www.fafsa.gov. Students may also apply to have registration fees waived by completing the online fee waiver at www.deltacollege.edu/student-services/financial-aid-and-scholarships/apply-financial-aid. Many scholarships are also available to Delta College students. The scholarship application deadline is March 2 of each year for the following fall and spring semesters. Transfer and non-transfer students are eligible to apply.
Eligibility: Students need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine financial aid eligibility including grants, student loans, scholarships and work-study jobs and a California College Promise Grant (Formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) application to determine eligibility for fee waivers.
Federal Work Study
Federal Work Study is a financial aid program which provides on-campus part-time employment and an opportunity to earn money needed to attend college. Students apply for Federal Work Study and all other types of financial assistance with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students may apply on the web at www.fafsa.gov.
Veterans Resource Center
DeRicco Student Services Building, Room 141 - (209) 954-5151, ext. 6151
The Veterans Resource Center, located in the DeRicco Student Services Building, provides current and former members of the Armed Forces a quiet study area, computers, tutoring, meetings with Veterans Affairs representatives and various workshops. The Resource Center is open Monday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Please see department for summer hours).
Veterans Services
DeRicco Student Services Building - (209) 954-5115
Veterans of the armed forces as well as qualifying dependents, reservists, and service members in an approved training program may qualify for a variety of benefits, including veterans educational benefits and financial aid. The Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Services provides informational materials, advice on available educational benefits, and guidance on the special satisfactory academic progress requirements. Students wishing to apply for veterans educational benefits must apply directly through the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships and Veterans Services by calling or visiting during office hours. Any student that submits a “Certificate of Eligibility (COE)” will be able to attend or participate in courses while awaiting payment from the VA.
Credit for Military Experience
To request an evaluation of military experience, a copy of the veteran’s separation document (DD214) and copies of any other certificates documenting special service schools must be filed with the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veterans Services. Credit granted for schools is based upon recommendations of the American Council on Education in the Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services. In order to qualify for evaluation the school must have been given on a formal, full-time basis (not a correspondence course, with the exception of certain high-level, non-resident courses). To be granted credit for work completed at another institution, the student should request that official copies of all prior college transcripts be mailed to the Office of Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Veterans Services at San Joaquin Delta College. Students may receive a maximum of 20.0 elective units.
Students in the Military
Residence Determinations for Military Personnel and Dependents
A student who is a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in California on active duty, except a member of the armed forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, is entitled to resident classification. Such students shall retain resident classification in the event that the member of the armed forces is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside of California or thereafter retires from active duty, so long as the student remains continuously enrolled (as defined by catalog rights) in the District.
A student who is a natural or adopted child, stepchild, or spouse who is a dependent of a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in this state on active duty shall be entitled to resident classification. Such student shall retain resident classification if he/she is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside of California, so long as the student remains continuously enrolled in the District.
A student who was a member of the armed forces of the United States stationed in California on active duty for more than one year immediately prior to being discharged from the armed forces is entitled to resident classification for the length of time he or she lives in California after being discharged up to the minimum necessary to become a resident.
An individual who is the child or spouse of a person who, on or after September 11, 2001, died in the line of duty while serving on active duty as a member of the Armed Force who resides in California is entitled to resident classification.
An individual who is entitled to transfer Post-911 GI Bill® program benefits by virtue of their relationship to a member of the uniformed services who is serving on active duty is entitled to resident classification.
A parent who is a federal civil service employee and his or her natural or adopted dependent children are entitled to resident classification if the parent has moved to this state as a result of a military mission realignment action that involves relocation of at least 100 employees. This classification shall continue until the student is entitled to be classified as a resident, so long as the student continuously attends an institution of public higher education.
A student claiming the residence classifications provided for in this procedure must provide a statement from the student’s commanding officer or personnel officer providing evidence of the date of the assignment to California, and that the assignment to active duty in California is not for educational purposes. A student claiming the residence classifications provided here for dependent of military personnel shall provide a statement from the military person’s commanding officer or personnel officer that the military person’s duty station is in California on active duty as of the residence determination date, or has been transferred outside of California on active duty after the residence determination date, or that the military person has retired from active duty after the residence determination date. (Title 5, Sections 54041; 54042)
Withdrawal Policies for Members of the Military
A student who is a member of an active or reserve United States military service and who receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses shall be permitted to withdraw upon verification of such orders. A withdrawal symbol of “W” and an “MW” may be assigned. Military withdrawal shall not be counted in progress probation, dismissal calculations, or in calculating the permitted number of withdrawals. In no case may military withdrawal result in a student being assigned an “FW” grade. In no case may a college require a student who is required to report for military duty to withdraw from a course by a specified date in order to receive a full refund of the tuition and fees the student paid to the college for the academic term in which the student was required to report for military service. (AP 5013, 4/18/19)