2022-2023 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 San Joaquin Delta College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fall 2022 Catalog Updates

The San Joaquin Delta College Catalog Addendum provides course/program updates as well as other content changes since the publication of the 2022-2023 catalog. The College reserves the right to make changes in the catalog as necessary, and to change, without notice, any information or requirements for compliance purposes.

New UC Transferable Course Agreement (UCTCA) Approvals
ASTRO 11 Astronomy of the Solar System  
ASTRO 12 Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe  
CUL ART 31 Introduction to Viticulture, Winemaking, Wines of the World  
ENG 62A Race and Ethnicity in Literature  
ENG 62B Contemporary African American Literature  
ENG 62E Introduction to Latino/a Literature  
ESL 59 Advanced College Reading/Writing for Multilingual Students II  
ETHNS 33 Introduction to Native American Studies  
ETHNS 34 Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies  
ETHNS 35 Introduction to Black/African American Studies  
ETHNS 36 Introduction to Asian American Studies  
PEACTIV 21A Beginning Fencing  
PEACTIV 32A Golf I  
PLANT 40 Introduction to Viticulture, Winemaking, Wines of the World  
SPAN 20 Introduction to Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies through Literature  


New Programs Effective Term
Real Estate Broker Certificate of Achievement   Fall 2022
Real Estate Salesperson Certificate of Achievement   Fall 2022


Program Revisions Description of Change
California State University General Education (CSU-GE), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement  

Added ASTRO 11 Astronomy of the Solar System  and ASTRO 12 Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe  to Areas B1 and B3.

Added MATH 37 College Algebra  and MATH 37EX College Algebra with Support  to Area B4.

Added DANCE 35A Afro-Caribbean Dance I  to Area C1.

Added ENG 62B Contemporary African American Literature , ENG 62E Introduction to Latino/a Literature , and SPAN 20 Introduction to Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies through Literature  to Area C2.

Added PETHEORY 49 Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance  to Area D.

Added PEACTIV 8 Futsal 1  and PETHEORY 45 Women in Sport  to Area E.

Added ETHNS 33 Introduction to Native American Studies  , ETHNS 34 Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies  , ETHNS 35 Introduction to Black/African American Studies , and ETHNS 36 Introduction to Asian American Studies  to Areas D and F.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC), Pattern/Certificate of Achievement  

Added STATS 12EX Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Support  , MATH 37 College Algebra ,and MATH 37EX College Algebra with Support  to Area 2.

Added DANCE 32 Dance Cultures  to Area 3A.

Added ENG 61 Hip Hop Poetics , ENG 62C Asian American Literature , and ENG 62D Indigenous American Literature  to Area 3B.

Added PETHEORY 49 Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance  to Area 4.

San Joaquin Delta College Associate Degree General Education Pattern  

Added MATH 37 College Algebra  and MATH 37EX College Algebra with Support  to Area 1B.

Added ASTRO 11 Astronomy of the Solar System  and ASTRO 12 Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe  to Area 2.

Added DANCE 35A Afro-Caribbean Dance I , ENG 62B Contemporary African American Literature , ENG 62E Introduction to Latino/a Literature , and SPAN 20 Introduction to Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies through Literature  to Area 3.

Added PETHEORY 49 Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance  to Area 5.

Added PEACTIV 8 Futsal 1  and PETHEORY 45 Women in Sport  to Area 6.

Added ETHNS 33 Introduction to Native American Studies , ETHNS 34 Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies , ETHNS 35 Introduction to Black/African American Studies  ,and ETHNS 36 Introduction to Asian American Studies  to Area 5 and Area 7.


Other Edits Description of Change
Added STATS Discipline. MATH 12 and MATH 12EX updated to STATS 12 and STATS 12EX.
Updated Mathematics –Statistics and Liberal Arts Placement Chart on the page Graduation and Transfer Requirements .

MATH 12 and MATH 12 EX updated to STATS 12 and STATS 12EX.

Updated Philosphy and Criteria for General Education and Associate Degree on the Graduation and Transfer Requirements  page.

AP 4025 updated to include Area 7, Ethnic Studies; Area 6 changed to Lifelong Learning and Self-Development.